The Lead Magnet Template
The Lead Magnet Template (aka 10 Tips Template) is one of my favorites.
It’s a really cool way for you to continue to add value to your audience —whether you’ve already booked a client session or you want to do a better job of preparing for the session or even for an inquiry on the fence.
Watch the video below to see how it works, including a quick demo that Jeff and Lori Pool made for their studio, Indigo Silver.
This is such a powerful way to continue giving generously your wisdom and education to your existing and potential clients.
Choosing a professional photographer can be difficult, so offering them something with high perceived value — instead of going straight for the booking — can go a long way.
Key Features of The Lead Magnet Template
Some of the key features include:
- Content blocks for up to 10 tips
- Room for an image to illustrate each tip
- Room for multiple paragraphs of copy per tip
- At the end, there’s room for a gallery to showcase your portfolio or additional information
- Strong CTA in the footer to lead them to the next step you want to take
Why The Lead Magnet Template Works
How does this fit into your online marketing funnel?
Because it’s a lead magnet, it can work on several different levels.
First, it can go viral and get shared like a StickyAlbum does. As your friends and clients and past clients are sharing it with their friends, it can give you great exposure and traffic.
But the true power of having a lead magnet is to help you create a strategy where you can turn traffic on your existing website and social media profiles into leads.
For example, you can post something like, “Want to grab our free guide? Enter your email address below, and we’ll send you over our three tips on how to plan a stress-free wedding or how to take better pictures with your smartphone.”
The guide on taking better tips with your smartphone is actually already created for you. You can use the included sample images and copy as a placeholder to launch in a matter of minutes!
Then you can gradually add in your own imagery, your own education as you go. This is a cool way to test the strategy with our existing sample content.
Any time we can nurture our clients with information we know they care about, combined with a compelling call to action, you’ll convert more leads into clients.
You’re positioning yourself as an expert. Every time they use the tips you’ve taught them, they’re thinking about you — both subconsciously and consciously — which is worth its weight in gold.
Want MORE Templates?
We know that it’s so much easier to be an editor than starting from scratch — which is why StickyFolios comes with even more templates to meet your photography marketing needs.
Each StickyFolios template was built with a very specific, proven marketing tactic to help you streamline your folio creation.
They each come pre-populated with sample content so you know exactly where to start. Simply add in your own words and images, then publish and share. Explore all the StickyFolios templates below: