I love hearing about all the different ways people are using StickyAlbums, but this latest tactic really captured my attention. I’m glad to share this important cause with you, and I’m honored that StickyAlbums is being leveraged to help.

image credit Lisa Carpenter
The Challenge to Conquer Cancer is a bike ride from Greenville, South Carolina to Austin, Texas. It is a relay designed to raise awareness for our fight against cancer. The ride was founded through The Palmetto Peloton Project, which exists to promote the advancement of cancer research and advocacy efforts locally, regionally, and nationally through fund-raising fitness events.
Pro photographer Lisa Carpenter is participating in the ride and raising funds, but she was also able to leverage her photography talent to support this cause in an even bigger way. In a beautiful example of collaboration, Lisa has created a stunning print calendar which they are using to raise additional funds for this cause.
I love Lisa’s idea. Sometimes a tangible, valuable gift like this is the perfect thing to help catch contributors’ attention. Just look at how successful the Livestrong bracelets have been: they’re real world “like buttons” that enable donors to show off their support everywhere they go. Lisa’s gorgeous calendar taps into this same psychology.
Then she took it even further.
Lisa created this awesome StickyAlbum with a few of the images from the calendar. The top logo image is a powerful call to action that links directly to the online store where users can purchase the full print calendar.
Open this link with your mobile device