Jeff & Lori Poole
Jeff & Lori Poole - The Shoot Space
Jeff and Lori Poole are award winning photographers who passionately believe in paying it forward. They run a lucrative photography business (indigosilver studios) along with The Shoot Space, an online resource for photographers looking to learn and grow their businesses. The Shoot Space’s online store provides such resources as contract, workflow systems, tutorials, and marketing materials.
In the Wilmington area, where they are located, The Shoot Space is a place where area photographers can rent space that includes the area’s largest camera room, a cyclorama wall, and meeting and sales rooms for rent. They routinely host photography workshops and business classes for photographers of all skill levels.
Currently Jeff and Lori have a VERY active facebook community called Image Competition with Jeff and Lori. This group is dedicated to helping photographers improve their skills by encouraging participation in image competitions. They provide constructive feedback and instruction on their images so that they can improve and acheive their personal competition goals. They are scheduled to speak at Shutterfest 2019 in April, an annual photography portfolio building and educational conference held in St. Louis, MO.
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