Last year Jennifer Dell was looking to create a wow-factor to jolt business and increase collection sales. That’s when the Houston, TX-based photographer started using StickyAlbums, a unique platform enabling professional photographers to create branded photo album apps for their clients.
“I love using StickyAlbums to beef up my collections and to encourage clients to go with the collection over a la carte prints,” says Dell. “The only way that a client receives a StickyAlbum is by choosing to purchase a collection, so it helps my sales average.”
By adding a StickyAlbum to her collection packages, Dell has seen her average sales nearly double. StickyAlbums proves to be a true enticement for clients who crave sharable, digital formats of their photo shoots. With our simple album builder, Dell is able to quickly deliver exactly what her clients crave while maintaining a low-overhead, particularly since her cost of goods sold remains the same.
Dell incorporates StickyAlbum building into her everyday workflow. At the close of a client’s sales session, Dell presents the client’s individual StickyAlbum, so that even though the customer does not leave with prints just yet, they happily walk away with their own customized mobile app. They can scroll through their images in person with family and friends, or share the exciting new pictures with peers via social network.
“My customers are SO impressed with their StickyAlbums! They think I am super smart and fabulous because I can create such unique apps. Of course, I don’t tell them any differently, but StickyAlbums makes it so easy to build each album!”
Dell can even monitor the stats as clients excitedly share the album with family and friends, the power of word-of-mouth marketing in its simplest form.
“I love seeing that immediate sense of gratification as they leave their session with a link to their StickyAlbum. Just the other day I had a customer leave and she said she was headed to a friend’s house, who recently had twins. She couldn’t wait to show off her album and encourage her friend to have the twins’ photos taken as well!”
For information about Jennifer Dell and her studio, you can visit her website
You need to be cautous when incorporating digital products into your workflow and sales cycle so that they don’t hurt your print sales. Watch this short video from StickyAlbums founder Nate Grahek explain how other members are using StickyAlbums only after clients have paid to help INCREASE their print sales.